Congratulations to all our Photobook 2023 winners!

Congratulations to all our winners and our Photographer of the Year! Be sure to check out their photos and Instagrams below ↓ Abstract & Artistic 1st Place: Untitled – Peter Lee   Portraiture and People 1st Place:     Rails of Friendship – Charlie Chang (@Charliechang_photography)   Cityscape & Architecture 1st Place:     NanJing – Yiwen Zhu (@vincent_zhu66) …

Term 3 Week 10 Collab: UTSxMCQUNSWxUSYD Photosoc Gala Night

???? UTS x MQU x UNSW x USYD Photography Societies are celebrating this year for our FIRST EVER GALA EVENT ???? What to Expect: We’re celebrating OUR FIRST EVER Cross Uni Collaborative Gala event on Saturday, the 18th of November and we want to celebrate with YOU! ~ Event/s Details ~Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm ????Date: …

Term 3 Week 10 Collab: UNSW CarSoc X PhotoClub PRESENTS – AUTO FOCUS

Hey Carsoc fam! Hope everyone is enjoying your term three! UNSW Car Society and UNSW PhotoClub society are teaming up for a meet! Make sure to bring yourself, friends and clean rides for a sick SUNSET PHOTOSHOOT at UNSW! Details:????️ Date: Saturday 11th of November⏰ Time: 6-9pm???? Location: Botany Carpark Rooftop UNSW Come along get …

Term 3 Week7 Outing: Sydney Olympic Park + Shipwreck

Event Details:Date: 28th October 2023Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pmMeeting Location: Rhodes Railway Station Always wanted to explore the suburbs of Sydney but never got an opportunity to? Join us on a scenic walking route for shipwreck spotting! Rhodes coastal side is famous for all the ancient shipwrecks that litter the shoreline, which makes for amazing rustic-looking photos. …

Term 3 Week 5 Outing: Sunset + Night Photography 

*RSVP by clicking ‘going’ on the event*  Event Details:Date: 14th October 2023Time: 6:15 pm – 9:00 pmMeeting Location: Jubilee Park Light Rail Stop After receiving some great feedback from our last night walk last term, we shall be doing another! This term our Night Photography Outing is back again! Do you want to experience the night vibes …