Week 4: Portrature

Week 4: Portraiture Photography Tutorial Date: Friday 28th March 2014 Time: 4pm-6pm  Location: Chemical Science, M17 As you can probably tell, we’re going through all the basic topics for photography week by week now. So it’s come to this week’s topic which is portraits! We’ll be going through right from the basics to the specific aspects of …

Week 7: Night Photography and Model Shoot!

Week 7: Night Photography Tutorial Date: Friday 26th April 2013  Time: 4pm-6pm  Location: M17 Chemical Science Building ( Lower Campus)  When the sun sinks under the horizon, the world seems to change and become a different place. Have you ever wanted to capture the amazing lights let off by city buildings, or maybe the night …

Model Shoot – Register for August 2012

Hey Guys! You may have heard about our ‘Model Workshops’, or seen some of the photos that have featured in our Photobook 2012. This time round will be our first studio shoot of the year with more availabilty for those who missed out last time. However it is still on a First-come-First-serve basis! Check out our previous shoots at Watsons Bay and UNSW …