Week 11: Workflow

Week 11: Work Flow! Date: Friday 17th October 2014 Time: 4pm-6:00pm Location: Tyree LG03 and LG05 Snap, Snap, Snap! So you’ve taken your photographs. What do you do now? You might think that it’s just a simple matter of uploading the photos to your computer and sharing them, but there’s more to it than that. Many photographers have …

Week 10: Macro Photography

Week 10: Macro Photography! Date: Friday 10th October 2014 Time: 4pm-5:45pm Location: Chemical Science, M11 Welcome back from the mid-sem break! Have you wondered what the world would look like if you were shrunken down to the size of an insect? Join Charlotte and Boaz this Friday as they zoom into the world of macro photography.  They’ll …

Week 9: Sports Photography with GeoSnapShot

Week 9: Sports Photography with GeoSnapShot Date: Friday 26th September 2014 Time: 4pm-6pm Location: Chemical Science, M11 As a photographer, we are constantly looking for ways to gain experience, have fun and provide people with joy from our photos. GeoSnapShot is a unique photography platform that enables any photographer to upload, share and sell their photos simply …

Week 8: Lighting and Strobes

Week 8: Lighting and Strobes Date: Friday 19th September 2014 Time: 4pm-5:45pm Location: Chemical Science, M11 Light is an integral part of photography. It is what allows us to take photographs, and over the decades, great artists have discovered that there are more uses to light than just lighting up a subject or scenery. In this tutorial, …

Challenge 8: Textures

The Brief: TEXTURES Different textures can evoke a variety of thoughts and feelings. Show us how you capture textures in your photographs. Please add #UNSWTXT to the top of your description Competition dates: 18th of September 2014 to 23rd of September 2014 at 23:59* Winning Entries