ATTENTION photography enthusiasts, here is your chance! We are seeking new Junior Executives to be a part of the passionate team of PhotoClub! Junior Executives help us run events, including developing new and exciting PhotoTalks and Outings. They can also be involved in other areas like design, social media, competitions, and events management!
We are especially looking for people that are both good at behind-the-scenes organising and have some skills to teach our photography Workshops and PhotoTalks!
Please complete the expression of interest form by Sunday, 3 October at 23:59 AEDT. In the form, please include a brief description of why you think you’d be an integral part of the PhotoClub Executive Team! This could be your past experience, passion and much more!
We’ll then get back to you to arrange a time for you to have a chat with some of our Executives!
Please make sure to keep an eye on your emails so you don’t miss out because we’ll be having a really quick turnaround!
We will review the application in a rolling basis so don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application.
Entries close Sunday, 3 October at 23:59 AEDT.
If you have any enquires, please email at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!