Date: 23/07/21
Time: 4:00pm –5:30pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
*RSVP by clicking ‘going’ on the event*
If being stuck at home has got you bored and left with nothing to shoot, we’ve got a PhotoTalk that just might give you a little creativity boost!
This week, our new executives will be taking you through a DIY PhotoTalk covering ways to create your own diffuser using milk bottles, colour pattern lights, and the old fashion technique of cyanotypes.
Whether you’re interested in making some affordable gear or just want a little photography inspiration, join us this Friday!
You can find the link to this PhotoTalk in our weekly newsletter. If you face any problems, please contact us on Facebook or Instagram.
Not a member? Sign-up online: https://www.unswphoto.com/join-us/