Welcome to PhotoClub for 2017 – I hope like me you’re looking forward to learning new photography skills and meeting new people! In terms of communication, you’ll receive an email each week with the week’s outline, in addition we have:

  • Facebook Page: UNSW PhotoClub
  • Facebook Group: UNSW PhotoClub 2017 (For sharing photos and getting advice!)
  • Instagram: unswphoto
  • Snapchat: unswphotoclub
  • Website: www.unswphoto.com
  • Email: [email protected]

This week:

Week 1 Tutorial: Meet ‘N’ Greet & EGM!

Date: 03/03/2017
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Central Lecture Block 5

Points of Contact:
1. Christopher: +61 418 262 554
2. Eileen T: +61 434 108 141

Join us for the first event of the year, where you can meet all the new (and old) PhotoClubbers! This is the perfect opportunity to find out about PhotoClub, while making new friends as well.

Please RSVP by clicking ‘going’ here on Facebook.

We will be holding an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) during the week 1 tutorial. The agenda for the meeting is to have a re-election of the senior executive, Communications Manager. We will go through the nomination received and then hold a vote to elect the new exec! As members of the club you have the opportunity to vote! If you wish to nominate yourself or somebody else, email us at [email protected] with an expression of interest.

Don’t worry, the EGM will be quick and we will still be holding our first tutorial of the year as mentioned above.

*This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards). If you have not signed up, you can do so at this event.

Week 1: Pizza Night!

Date: 03/03/2017
Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Central Lecture Block 5

Points of Contact:
1. Christopher: +61 418 262 554
2. Eileen T: +61 434 108 141
We’re having a pizza night this week as part of our Meet ‘N’ Greet! It’s free pizza and drinks for all PhotoClub members. Grab a slice and use this time to have a chat with everyone as we love interacting with you guys!
*If you plan on staying for pizza you MUST RSVP by pressing the ‘going’ button here on our event page.
**If there are any special dietary requirements, please comment them on the event page and we will do our best to cater; e.g. vegetarian, no cheese etc.
***This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards).

Week 1 Outing: Lavendar Bay Welcome Photowalk!

Date: 04/03/2017
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Location: Central Lecture Block 5

Points of Contact:
1. Iris: +61 452 449 664
2. Ben: +61 439 043 948
What’s up PhotoClubbers!! Welcome to our first club outing of the year!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
For this week’s walk, we will be wandering along the scenic coastline of Lavendar Bay and finishing at Blues Point Reserve that boasts some of the best unknown views of Sydney Harbour, along with a sunset over the city. Afterwards we will be heading towards Harts Pub so you can get a bite to eat as well as have a chat with those new friends you made on the walk 🙂
We will be meeting at Bradfield Park in Milsons Point, which is where the walk will also start. We recommend taking a train to Milsons Point station, where it is then a short walk to the destination.

Please note that we will not be stopping for food, and on account of us starting relatively late, we recommend bringing a snack and drink to keep you fuelled for the walk and until later when we will be having a proper meal.
Please keep an eye on the Facebook event on Saturday in the case of wet weather (see below).
Items to bring could include (but are not compulsory):
● Camera
● Tripod
● Mobile
● Aerogard
● Hat
● Wet weather gear
● Other props
Please RSVP here via Facebook.
*This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards).
Please note in the case of wet weather we will change the event time from 5 to a new start time of 3PM. The location will also change to MCA for a squiz at the artworks around there, and hopefully to get some shots in whilst we’re at it. Additionally, you will be able to attend the critically rated Tatsuo Miyajima exhibition (extra fee) which will be gone after this weekend!! We will also be shooting from the overseas passenger terminal afterwards for a less seen, but equally beautiful, night view of Sydney Harbour.
If the wet weather alternative goes ahead, we will be meeting outside the MCA on the Circular Quay side. We recommend catching the train to Circular Quay station, and then taking a short walk to the MCA where we will be waiting 😀

Other Exciting Stuff:


Our workshops are designed for beginners – to teach them all the basics about photography.

This week, we will begin running Workshop A – Exposure. This workshop is a simple introduction on how a camera works. It familiarises you with the exposure triangle, which includes aperture, ISO and shutter speed, and how to use the camera to manipulate them.

Next week, Workshop B – Focus, will begin running. It will give you a complete breakdown of how a camera focuses, its different focus modes and how to use them to your advantage. We will also be covering some other basics including depth of field, dynamic range and white balance.

The workshop times will be posted in the UNSW PhotoClub 2017 Facebook group – join it here if you haven’t already!


If you’re not connected with us through Orgsync, can you please do this by creating an account by clicking this link and then accepting the invitation to the group.