This week:

Week 4: UNSW PhotoClub EGM!

Date: 19/8/2016
Time: 4pm – 5:00pm
Location: Chemical Sciences Building M11

Points of Contact:
1. Joey +61 403 660 690
2. Yen Nee +61 459 389 239

An EGM will be held during our Week 4 tutorial. The agenda for the meeting is to vote for the continuation of term for the previously voted Secretary and Communications Manager as well as elections for the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Arc Delegate
  • Events Manager
  • Marketing Manager

We will go through the nominations received and then hold a vote to elect the new team for 2016-2017. As members of the Club, you will have the opportunity to vote!

Please RSVP by clicking ‘going’ here on Facebook

If you wish to nominate yourself or somebody else for any of the open positions, email us at [email protected] with an expression of interest.

This EGM will also be your FINAL chance to sign up for our annual PhotoDash this Saturday, so we hope to see you there!

Week 4: Pizza Night!

Date: 19/8/2016
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Chemical Sciences Building M11

Points of Contact:
1. Joey +61 403 660 690
2. Yen Nee +61 459 389 239

We’re having a pizza night this week after our EGM! It’s free pizza for all PhotoClub members after the tutorial. Grab a slice and use this time to have a chat with everyone as we love interacting with you guys!

*If you plan on staying for pizza you MUST RSVP by pressing the ‘going’ button on our event page.

**If there are any special dietary requirements, please comment them on the event page and we will do our best to cater; e.g. vegetarian, no cheese etc.

Please RSVP by clicking ‘going’ here on Facebook

***This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards)


Date: 20/8/2016
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Location: Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park

Points of Contact:
1. Herman +61 430 439 318
2. Joey +61 403 660 690

UNSW PhotoClub’s annual PhotoDash is back for 2016 and the time is NIGH!
It’s our largest annual event where you can compete to win some fantastic prizes!

If you haven’t signed up yet, here’s the link: 
Also don’t forget that we’re taking sign-ups for the PhotoDash at our EGM this Friday, so come along if you want to participate and haven’t signed up yet online.

Here’s some more info about the PhotoDash:
If you’ve seen the Amazing Race on TV, you should have a good idea of what our PhotoDash is all about. Teams of four will complete photographic challenges around the city, find and solve clues to run to their next destination, with the ultimate goal to get to the finish line first!

It will be a fun-filled day where you can challenge your mind, body and photography skills. Plus, it doesn’t matter what type of camera you have, anything that takes photos will be all you need!


Other Exciting Stuff:

Our Monthly Challenge!

A reminder that the theme of our current monthly challenge is Real Life Emojis.

Please add #UNSWPCEMOJI to the top of the description of your submission so we can see your awesome photo! Please submit on FBhere.

This monthly challenge closes on 23rd August 2016 so get cracking, get creative and most importantly, have fun!

Photobook Competition 2016

Entries are NOW OPEN for our 7th Annual Photobook Competition!

Please check the separate Photobook email for details on how to submit and a link to the Terms and Conditions.

Workshops are ON!

Keep an eye on our Orgsync here for details and times.

We’d love to see you there!

Speaking Of Orgsync:

If you’re not connected with us through Orgsync, you can do this by creating an account by clicking this link and then accepting the invitation to the group.