Hello everybody! This is your webmaster bringing you a piece of mid-week good news! 😀
Some of the more discerning of you will have realised from the side bar that we have added another logo to our site! And the good news is, Pizza Man is now our official pizza provider! All the pizzas that you had at our Pizza Critique nights were all prepared by these pizza men.
Omgoodness, just by typing this out I can hear my tummy making funny noises (doesn’t help that it’s dinner time!) 😛
Don’t forget there’s another Pizza Critique night this coming Friday after our Street Photography workshop. I know these pizzas are really yummehhh, but also don’t forget to bring in some photos to share with the rest of the club! 😀
Two more days to the end of the week. And celebrate TGIF with Photoclub by coming for our events! Details here.