Term 3 Week 6 Social

Date: 22/10/21 

Time: 16:00-17:30 AEDT

Location: Online via Zoom

Consumed by wanderlust but trapped within the country? PhotoClub got you covered! Join us for this week’s social – Photo Trivia, to travel around the world with your eyes! Pictures of different parts of the world taken by our fellow execs and members will be showed and you’ll earn a point by getting the right answer. What’s better? The person who wins the competition will get a prize of SanDisk Extreme PRO 32GB SD Card (To be confirmed)! Sign up now for a nice catchup and a chance to win!

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclf-yvrD0vHdR7pq4wL2PPLh0lkuGfYq0B

*This event is open to 2021 PhotoClub members only

*Not a member? Sign-up online: https://www.unswphoto.com/join-us