Hi PhotoClubbers!

Welcome! Or welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and are ready for the semester ahead. We have an exciting semester planned for you, ranging from our regular Friday events and weekend outings to road trips and special guest speakers. It was lovely meeting some of you at O-Week and I’m looking forward to meeting more of you on Friday. See you then!

Bec (President)

This Week:

Welcome and Inspiration

Date: 4/3/2016
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: UNSW Chemical Sciences M10

Come along to our first meeting of the semester to learn all about what we do and get inspired for an amazing year of photography!

Meet our executive team and learn about all the exciting activities our club has to offer – roadtrips, outings, pizza, tutorials, competitions and more!

Once the introductions are complete, we will have a brief talk about photography which will hopefully leave you inspired and itching to pick up your camera. Finally, we will spend some time getting to know each other over free pizza and drinks!

Please RSVP here via Facebook.

*This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards).
** New members are welcome to sign up before any of our events.

Point of Contact:
Damien: +61 415288647
Herman: +61 430439318

Week 1 Pizza Night

Date: 4/3/2016
Time: 6:00 – 6:30 pm
Location: UNSW Chemical Sciences M10

We’re having a pizza night this week! It’s free pizza for all PhotoClub members after the tutorial. Grab a slice and use this time to have a chat with everyone as we love interacting with you guys!

*If you plan on staying for pizza you MUST RSVP by pressing the ‘attending’ button on our event page.

**If there are any special dietary requirements, please comment them on the event page and we will do our best to cater; e.g. vegetarian, no cheese etc.

Please RSVP here via Facebook

Point of Contact:
Damien: +61 415288647
Herman: +61 430439318

Week 1 Outing: Royal Botanic Garden Walk

Date: 5/3/2016
Time: 14:00 – 17:00 pm
Location: Hyde Park (on the grass behind Museum Station)

Let’s kick off the semester with the first outing of the year. Join us, as we take you on a stroll through peaceful parks, grand gardens and stunning harbour views. We will be visiting many iconic places such as Hyde Park, St Mary’s Cathedral, Mrs Macquarie’s Chair and the Sydney Opera House. The variety of locations will motivate you take many snaps! For additional inspiration, the “International Garden Photographer of the Year Exhibition” will be on at the Royal Botanic Garden.

We will meet at 14:00, on the grass at Hyde Park, Museum Station corner, before making our way around the parks and gardens until we reach Circular Quay by 17:00. Entry to the exhibition is $5.

Please note that we will not be stopping for food, so we suggest that you eat lunch beforehand.

Keep an eye on the Facebook event on Saturday in case of wet weather.

We look forward to seeing all of your fresh faces!
Are there any things you want members to bring? (check box these)
● Camera – DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact, Film, Phone, as long as it takes pictures!
● $5 cash for entry into the exhibition
● Sunscreen to stay safe in the sun
● Bottle of water

Please RSVP here via Facebook

*This event is open to PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards)

Point of Contacts:
Damien: +61 415299647
Boaz: +61 477434488


New to Photography? Want to Master the Basics?

Well then you need to attend our Introductory Workshops! These three 1 hour sessions are designed to jump start your photographic knowledge!

Workshop A – Exposure: Understand how to control light when taking a photo.
Workshop B – Focus: What’s the point of a well exposed but blurry photograph?
Workshop C – Composition: Learn to work with the various elements in your scene.

We suggest doing these in order. You need not attend all, just the ones you are unsure about.

These workshops are run independently of our Friday Tutorials.

They are subject to demand and can be booked at your convenience.

How it works:
1.      Log in to OrgSync (Arc’s Platform)
2.      Find “PhotoClub
3.      Click on “Events”
4.      Find the relevant workshop at a time that suits you.
5.      Mark attending to reserve your spot.

Please ensure that if you are unable to attend, you cancel your RSVP before the workshop begins.

Connect with us through Orgsync by creating an account by clicking this website then accept the invitation to the group.