Week 2: Food Photography!

Week 2 : Food Photography

Date: Friday 15th March 2013
Time: 4pm-6pm
Location: UNSW Kensington Campus – M17 Lecture Hall, Chemical Sciences Building (Lower Campus) 

Foooooood. Who doesn’t love food? Who doesn’t love taking photos of food? Whether its on instagram or otherwise, we all do it. To teach us how to be the best at it, Delicious Magazine photographer, Simon Park will be joining us!
Please RSVP Here via Facebook

* This event is open to PhotoClub members only – please bring your membership cards.

Points of Contact:
William: +61 403 509 066
Felicia: +61 423 712 081

Week 2 : Food Outing

Date: Saturday 16th March 2013
Time: Lunch 12pm 
Location: Holy Basil Restaurant 

We will be heading out for a great meal and some great photos.

*You MUST RSVP here.

*We will be only accepting a maximum of 20 people due to seating limitations. Sorry for any inconvenience. As of now, there are only 6 spots left, so get in quick!

* This event is open to PhotoClub members only – please bring your membership cards.

Remember to bring your cameras! If you would like to rent our club camera send us an email to [email protected]. We only have 1 though so it will be first come first serve.

Points of Contact:
William: +61 403 509 066
Prugs: +61 434 836 566