UNSW Photobook Competition Results! (Part II)

Hello everyone!

After yesterday’s announcement of Photographer of the Year, here’s the official announcement for our six Category winners of the UNSW Photoclub Photobook competition!

As Letty might have mentioned, it was a really tough time for us to judge, with so many great entries in all the categories. But in the end, the choices were made, and the points tabulated. And here they are, our winners:

Category I – People and Portraiture, we have: Mohd Mustakhim

Catergory II –  Landscapes and Architecture, we have: Johnny Tran

This category recieved the most entries, with a total of 60 recieved!

Catergory III –  Nature & Animals, we have: Jan Philip Kolb

Yup, as mentioned yesterday, this is the category that our Photgrapher of the Year won 🙂

Category IV –  Abstract & Artistic, we have: James Sun

Category V –  Still Life, we have: Peter Roth

Category VI – Photojournalism, Street & Events, we have: Benny Zheng

Do check out their portfolios too! (It’s linked if they gave it to us)

To the various winners, we will be emailing you with regards to your prizes in the next few days.

For everyone else who took part, thank you once again! We hope you had fun taking part in this competition. We will be letting you know if your photos are included in our Photobook via email in the next few days as well, so stay tuned 🙂

In the mean time, study hard, and we hope you’ll join next year’s competition as well!