A.C.T Now! Register for Canberra Roadtrip!

A fun-filled photography weekend is just two steps away! What you need to do now to enjoy such a great weekend on the first week of October is,

1. Register/Reply with the following form to [email protected]:
Mobile Number:
Your suburb:
Your Top 4 Preferences of places to visit in Canberra (Floriade is compulsory!):

2. Make a Bank Deposit to this following bank account:
Clarissa Lum
: 06 21 88
: 1033 4733
: Canberra + (Your Name)

Upon receipt of payment, we will send out a confirmation email and an invoice.

Note that deposits are non-refundable.

3. You will receive an invoice via email when your deposit is received.

To confirm the dates, this roadtrip is scheduled on the 2nd – 3rd of October! We will be leaving on the 2nd Oct morning at 6.3o am, and will get back to Sydney on 3rd Oct afternoon at around 3-4 pm.

Suggested itinerary would be, Floriade > Parliament House > Telstra Tower > and more (TBD amongst registrants)

As for the costs, which covers Petrol for the entire trip, and Accommodation. (Food and Entrance fees NOT provided though most places are free of charge.)

ARC Member: $80

Non-Arc Member: $90

UPA (UTS/USYD/Non-UNSW Photoclub Member): $100

Since ARC is the UNSW Student Union, it won’t apply to our members who are from UTS or USYD. We will be checking our records to clarify that you are/aren’t an Arc Member.

Hesitate no more! Send in your registrations now!

Registrations close on Monday, 13th September.