Roadtrip to Canberra!

Bringing Photoclub out of Sydney!

We are in the midst of organizing a roadtrip to Canberra, for the Floriade on the 2nd of Oct to the 3rd of Oct. Yes, it will be an overnight trip. We thought an overnight trip would give us more time to explore around our capital territory, and that would also mean less tiring for the Photoclubbers who’ll be driving. We are carpooling!

Depending on how many people will be going, the cost of this roadtrip will not be more than $90. This cost covers petrol TO Canberra, AROUND Canberra, BACK to Sydney, and Accommodation. Food and entrance fees excluded though most of the places do not require an entrance fee.

At Canberra, we planned to visit:

– Floriade – The Annual Flower Show (click for details)

– War Memorial

– National Zoo

– Black Mountain Tower – An Observatory

– Miniature Gardens

If you are interested, please aid us in the organising work by filling up this survey form HERE.

We will be taking registrations next week. By then, we will have the final costs and will be accepting pre-pays.

This trip is a good chance to practise your photography skills in various aspects like, Macro photography, Event photography, Photojournalism etc etc!

Take this opportunity to take a break before you go full-on into the preparation of the final exams! It will be a lot of fun!

Hope to hear from all of you soon! 🙂

*Remember the survey! HERE!