Make sure you’re completely signed up!
To ensure your membership is completely valid and that you won’t miss out on any information, please do the following (if you haven’t already):
- Login at:
- THEN, go to the following link: and click “Join Now” and then “Join Now” again when it pops up in a box.
- We have BOTH a page and a group. Join both as there’s different information on each.
- Like and follow our page (UNSW PhotoClub):
- Join our group (UNSW PhotoClub 2018):
Please note: if your Facebook name is different to what you signed up with, please message us on Facebook or email us so that we still accept you in the group.
- In addition to Facebook, we have Instagram (@unswphoto) and Snapchat (@unswphotoclub).
1ST EVENT – Still-Life/Product Photography
Date: 02/03/2018
Time: 4:00pm
Location: TBC (To Be Confirmed)
Points of Contact:
1. Christopher: +61 418 262 554
2. Jocelyn: +61 449 526 957
Come along to our first event for product photography…we’ll be covering flatlays among other skills and you’ll have the chance to take photos in a mini studio set up. And of course there will be free food and drinks!
We will email you soon with more details as well as put the events up on Facebook, our website and Instagram!
*This event is open to 2018 PhotoClub members only (please bring your membership cards).
O-Week Instax Camera Competition

Want to win an Instax camera? Then be sure to enter our first themed competition!
- You need to have signed up in O-Week
- Submit into our 1st comp this year, #UNSWPCSEASONS. For all the details please visit our website. The deadline is Week 1 Sunday so get in quickly!
If you have any questions shoot us a message on Facebook or email us at [email protected]!