Photoshop Tutorial (Friday)
Date: Friday, 14th Oct 2011
Time: 4:00PM – 6:00PM
Location: Lecture Theatre M10, Chemical Sciences Building
Its our last tutorial of the year! Stuck at home studying and preparing for final assessments and exams? Need a break? Come down to our Photoshop tutorial. We’ll teach you new ways to procrastinate in style and edit photos while you’re at it.
We’ll be going over several basic and advanced techniques you can use in all your photos. Bring along your laptops equipped with Photoshop for this event and ask questions or bring up any problems you have while you edit.
Once again, please bring your laptops as we dont have access to computer labs this time around!
Not interested? come and hang with your Photoclub friends anyway. Theres Pizza! (see below)
Open to UNSW PhotoClub members only. Please remember to bring your membership cards for identification!
RSVP Via Facebook
Point of Contact(s):
Andrew – +61 437 994 229
Renny – +61 401 027 192
Pizza Night / Critique Session
Date: Friday, 14 Oct 2011
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Location: Lecture Theatre M10, Chemical Sciences Building
No Email errors this time around. We are really having yet another pizza night since its the last tutorial this Friday.
Afterwards we’ll be conducting our usual photo critique session that we did’nt have last week because everyone was too excited playing with strobes.
Volunteer your photos for Friday and grow as a photographer, or show your freshly editted photos with the skills you just learnt in the tutorial.
Open to UNSW PhotoClub members only. Please remember to bring your membership cards for identification!
RSVP Via Facebook
Point of Contact(s):
Andrew – +61 437 994 229
Renny – +61 401 027 192
2012 Advanced Membership Renewals
We are conducting advanced membership renewals for 2012! If you are up for more Awesomeness with the UNSW Photoclub next year,and have full confidence that the world wont end, renew membership now for just $5 for the whole of next year!
This offer ends at this Friday’s (14/10/2011) tutorial!
Art And About Outing (Saturday)
Date: Saturday, 15th October 2011
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Circular Quay Wharf 6
Don’t know what Art and About is? Neither do we. Thats why we planned an outting to check it out!
Seriously though, we’ll be checking out installations of the Laneway Art Festival in the City and doing some photography while we’re at it. Stuck under a pile of books? Need a distraction? Come along! There is sure to be something of interest on the city streets.
For more information about the installations, click here.
Open to UNSW PhotoClub members only. Please remember to bring your membership cards for identification!
RSVP Via Facebook
Point of Contact(s):
Renny – +61 401 027 192
Adam – +61 433 012 802