Welcome back Photoclubbers!
If you’ve missed having our routine tutorials and outings to keep you company during the holidays, fret no longer, as they start once more this week!
This semester, we have started Thursday Recap sessions, where we will be covering some of the material that we did last semester. This is to benefit those who are new to the Photoclub, as well as those who couldn’t make it last time.
To start them off, we will be holding a recap of the basics of photography.
Date: Thursday, 21st July 2011
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: M10, Chemical Sciences Building
This first recap is targeted mainly for those who are new to photography or the use of DSLRs, so if you don’t know much about your camera, this is the time to ask those questions ~
And on Friday, we will be commencing our usual tutorials with a recap of some of the more advanced techniques, which would be most useful if you’ve found that your skills have gone rusty 🙂
Date: Friday, 22nd July 2011
Time: 4:00PM – 6:00PM
Location: M10, Chemical Sciences Building
Do bring your cameras for this, as we have some things for you to try out in the practical half of the session.
After the advanced tutorial, we will be having the first Pizza Night and Photo Critique session of the semester. Come share your holiday shots, and see how you might be able to improve on them!
Date: Friday, 22nd July 2011
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Location: Meet outside M10, Chemical Sciences Building
It is especially important to RSVP if you’re coming for this, as you don’t want to miss out on the free pizza if we don’t order enough!
And finally, for this weekend, we will be heading over to the State Library to have a look at the World Press Photos Exhibition, featuring many works of professional photojournalists. After that, if time (and the weather) permits, we will have a short outing around the Royal Botanic Gardens, just for everyone to have a bit of practice with their skills ~
Date: Saturday, 23rd July 2011
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: State Library of NSW
All these events are open to UNSW Photoclub members only, so don’t forget to bring your membership cards!
If you have any queries about the events, please contact:
Clarissa: +61 421 796 998
Renny: +61 401 027 192
Otherwise, have a good start to the new semester!