Photobook Competition – Terms & Conditions

Competition Requirements

The following are conditions that must be met for an entry to qualify for the competition and Photobook:

–       Entrants must be a current member of the UNSW Photoclub

–       Each entrant is entitled to a total of 6 submissions, in any combination, for all categories

–       All entries must be relevant for its chosen category

  • The executive committee may choose to shift an entry into a different category, if there are valid reasons to do so. However, it is the entrant’s responsibility to submit their photos to the correct categories. Entrants may ask the committee, if they are unsure, before submission.

–       All entries must not consist of any profanity, pornographic content, or be disrespectful to any race or religion

–       Entrants must be the author and sole owner of all submissions

–       All entries must not have been entered into previous or other competitions

–       There are no formal time limits for when entries were taken

–       Entrants retain all rights to their entries, but must understand that images submitted to the competition can be used by UNSWPhotoClub for marketing/promotional purposes of the UNSW Photoclub

  • Entries will not be used by or handed over to any third parties outside the Photoclub, unless they are within the above stated purposes.

Submission Guidelines

Submission Requirements: Images must be of full resolution (300 DPI), and must be suitable for printing, with no watermarks

If full resolution images are too large for email attachment, you have the following options for submission:

–       Submit an entry via email with the following approximate dimensions:

  • 8″ x 12″ or at 2400 x 3600 pixels equivalent, at 300DPI

–       Submit a lower resolution image via email for the competition.

  • If the image is chosen for the Photobook, the UNSW Photoclub will then request for the full resolution image.

–       Bring the full resolution images via thumbdrive for direct submission

  • By default, submissions are to be made to Renny (VP). Otherwise, you may ask any committee member with regards to submitting your entries.

Submission Procedure: Entries must be sent to [email protected], with the title of “Entry for Annual Photobook Competition”, and the email must include the following:

–       Full Name

–       Student Number

–       Membership Number

–       Mobile Number

–       Categories and Titles for each of  your entries

–       Portfolio Link, if applicable

Submissions must reach the Photoclub by midnight, Sunday, 7th November 2010. Entries received after submissions have closed will not be valid for the competition.

Competition Judges

The Judging for the competition is the UNSW Photoclub Executive Committee.

–       The committee has the final say on all winners, inclusions into the Photobook, and any disqualifications that may occur in the duration of the competition


Winners will be announced via email, as well as on the UNSW Photoclub website and Facebook pages

–       Winners will be announced on Friday, 29th October 2010

–       There are a total of 7 winning positions, as follow:

  • One UNSW Photoclub Photographer of the Year
  • Six Category winners, one for each of the categories

–       Shortlisted entries from all categories will also be included into the Photobook

  • Name of Photographer and Portfolio link (if provided) will be published along with the selected photos

–       Prizes will be mailed to all winners.


Prizes for the competition include the following

–       UNSW Photoclub Photographer of the Year

  • Up to $300 worth of prizes
  • One copy of the UNSW Photobook

–       Six Category winners

  • Up to $150 worth of prizes each
  • One copy of the UNSW Photobook per category winner

–       UNSW Photoclub reserves the right to change the prizes at any time, if there are valid reasons to do so.


*The UNSW Photoclub reserves the right to change the terms and conditions if necessary.

Photobook Availability

The completed Photobook can be made available for purchase to members if there is sufficient demand once the competition has ended.

–       The price of a Photobook will be released at a later date, if there is sufficient demand for the Photobook

–       All profits (if there are any) will go towards funding further Photoclub activities

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