Cliche as it sounds, time flies! And we are into the sixth week of the semester. Everyone must have been busy studying for their mid-sem exams and rushing assignments! But in the midst of it all, do take a break from the books and JOIN US in this week’s Digital Darkroom.
Digital Darkroom focuses on enhancing your photographs by post-processing using softwares such as the Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop and Aperture. This time round, we will mostly be working with Lightroom, learning how to enhance your images’ lightings and colours (as opposed to the previous Photoshop tutorial where editing of the image itself is concerned).
Look at these! If you had always been wanting to achieve such lightings, but haven’t gotten your way to it. This Friday’s tutorial will teach you the trick of the trade!
It gives your dull photo a lot more vibrancy!
Or if you want to have a completely different effect to the photo, you can always add the vintage (or any other) feel to the photos with these softwares.
It isn’t difficult! Just come on down to School of Materials Science and Engineering (behind Law Building), Room G11, this coming Friday on the 27th of August at 4pm. From then, your photos will never be the same!
See you there!
For those of you who’re fast enough in replying to emails, and got yourself a spot in this Saturday’s Lighting Studio Workshop, you know you are in for a very exciting photoshoot! Details on venue and how to get there had been emailed out, so check your inbox!
But for those of you who missed out this workshop due to different reasons, fret not! Send an email to [email protected] to express your interest in portraiture/model workshops. We will be more than happy to organise another one in the coming weeks!
A few key things to note for the 18 of you who’ll be going for the workshop this Saturday, you know who you are!
It’ll be required of you to arrive at least 15 minutes before your allocated time sessions. Things to bring include your CAMERA, CF Card/SD Card if you don’t own a camera/SLR and most importantly INSPIRATION! We’ll be working with amateur-semi professional models, so you have to be prepared to guide them to do what you want, or what can make your shots look best! This is the time to let yourself step into the shoes of a professional photographer and feel what it’s like!
If you don’t know where to start gathering inspiration, the following photos might give you a head-start and you can go onto Flickr, Google and anywhere on the Internet to look for the kind of studio photos that appeals to your style!
Credits of above photos goes to Tealilyphotography.
Getting all psyched for this outing?
Yea, we look forward to seeing you this Saturday too!
Have a good week! And good luck to those sitting for their mid-sem exams 🙂