UNSW International PhotoComp! – Days of Our Lives

The Student Rep Council, Photo Club & Culture Club are organising the 2010 International Students’ Photo Competition, entitled Days of Our Lives. Your photo can be about anything as long as it is related to the life of Intl Students in UNSW.

The PhotoComp runs until the MONDAY of WEEK (3/5/10)

There will be MAJOR prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places, plus all photos will be exhibited in Week 10 (with a scheduled launch event on Tuesday afternoon), and during the Intl Festival next semester.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TO TAKE PART! All you need is a camera and an itchy trigger finger 🙂


1. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY is encouraged, although we will not reject any film photos.
2. PLEASE SEND US A SHORT DESCRIPTION, of about 50-150 words, briefly explaining the theme or background of your photol.
3. ONLY GENERAL PHOTO EDITING IS ALLOWED, such as cropping and contrast changes.
4. 1 PHOTO PER PERSON WILL BE JUDGED. So if you take 100 photos, by all means submit them all! However, you have to tell us which is the one we should judge.


I’m sure most of you will be happy to know that UNSW Bookshop Vouchers will be offered at;
– Grand Prize $200
– Runner-up $100
3 Separate Categories
– Best Technique $50
– Most Creative $50
– Most Interesting $50

Certificates may also be awarded to students who participate.


So send your photos to [email protected] by MAY 3!