Date: Thursday, March 4th, 2010
Time: 5:00pm – 6:15pm
Location: Meet in front of Mech Engring Building @ 4.55pm.
So if you’re new to photography, this would be a great way of learning all the basics. Bring along your cameras if you have one, and if you’re unsure of any fancy features, someone can guide you along. And for the veterans, it’ll be a good chance to brush up on all that shutter speed and aperture knowledge as well as compare the size of each other’s lenses. For those intending to pick up photography, this is the best time to ask the veterans for suggestions and opinions. We will cover what all those numbers, knobs and specifications actually mean in terms of your final image, from your phone camera through point-and-shoots right up to professional DSLRs. More importantly we will cover how to adjust them so that your final photograph matches what you saw in your mind’s eye when you took it, rather than what the automatic program in your camera thought would look good. If you’re stumped by F-stops, out of your depth with depth-of-field, confused by circles of confusion or lost in focal lengths, here is your chance to find out all about them!
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