UNSW PhotoClub is the hub for photographers from UNSW to develop and hone their skills, providing both an environment for discussion and the exchange of ideas. The club has nurtured many talented photographers whose interests cover a wide range of disciplines, including portraiture, photojournalism, fashion, wedding, street photography, advertising, documentary and fine art.

Our Goals & Aims
Promote photography as a hobby in UNSW.
Provide a learning and sharing base for budding photographers.
Provide avenues to members who want to develop their interests in photography.

Our Team

President – Damien Ching

Vice President – Lawrence Au

Secretary – Edward Yang

Treasurer – Eileen Tsui

Arc Delegate– Iris Liao

Marketing Manager – Lawrence Au

Events Manager – Benjamin Lou-Wong

Communications Manager – Ash Finn

Contact Us

If you would like more information about PhotoClub and our activities or if you want to join the executive team, please drop us an email at [email protected] or send us a message on our Facebook page.



How do I join Photoclub? What are the joining fees?
Come along to one of our tutorials or outings and sign up there. If you are mega-keen you can download and print out the membership form, but you’ll still need to drop it off at the tutorial.
Fees are: $10 for ARC Members and $20 for non-ARC member (for 1 year)

I’m not a UNSW Student. Can I still join?
Certainly! We welcome all members.
Just note that you will have to pay the non-ARC membership fee.
You can join here

What benefits do I get for joining?
Meet new people interested in the same things as you!
Free tutorial access; pizza every second week; job opportunities; hands on photography experience the list goes on! Look at our calendar for weekly topics and outings.
For more reasons for joining go to our Join Us page here

What sorts of activities are organized throughout the semester?
Weekly tutorials held on Friday afternoons (4-6pm). We also get a number of guest speakers along each semester to talk about their experiences. Previously we have had talks by Nick Moir (photojournalism), Xiaohan Shen (fashion), Simon Park (food), Eric Kim (street) and Easton Cheng (automotive).
Weekend outings that (usually) correspond to the week’s tutorial topic
Other events include things such as road trips and model shoots

Are there any tutorials teaching me how to use my camera?
We usually run a “basic” and “advanced” tutorial at the beginning of the year to give an introduction to photographic technique (how the camera works, exposure, creative uses of the shutter and aperture, metering, etc). If you want to read up on photographic technique, these are a few helpful websites:
Basics of Photography by Lifehacker
100 Helpful Photography tutorials by Photo Tutes Plus 

If you need help with how to use your camera (ie. what button does what), then the best advice is to read the camera manual. While the club’s executives are usually more than willing to help members out, we don’t know what every single button of every single camera model does. If you can’t find your manual, here are some helpful links:
Canon Manuals
Nikon Manuals
Sony Manuals

Which brand of camera is the best?
The one you are shooting with!

I don’t have a DSLR, can I still join?
We welcome all photographers from any level of expertise using any equipment. As long as you are interested in photography and are willing to have fun then that’s ok by us!

If I have any suggestions or further queries, how should I go about lettings you guys know?
Email: [email protected]. or send us a message on our Facebook page.

If I want to volunteer or join the executive team, who do I talk to?
Email: [email protected].

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